Saturday 11 April 2020

7 Sidelines

By sidelines, I meant hobbies. 
I presumed to grab your attention with a non-regular word 'Sidelines' rather than 'Hobbies'. 
If you are reading this, I already managed to grab your attention successfully. Cheers! 

In my previous blog , I ended the hobby of writing blogs as I wanted to pursue new hobbies and skills. Well, I managed to do that and the details are for a later blog. 

I hope in times of COVID-19, you are safe and healthy! Wish you the best of it. 
Due to safety restrictions, I can only go back to my hobby of reading and writing. I am out of books to read currently. So, here I am writing again. 


Let's continue with my learning footprint. 

I will not take much of your precious family time, here are 7 purposeful sidelines you must try to engage yourself into (not only during times of lockdown but otherwise in normal life too)

1. A hobby to build knowledge: 
Reading is the foremost, Watching documentaries, Learning through How-to videos on YouTube and actioning it too. I understand that degree certification is paid but all one needs is curiousity. Knowledge is free or at a minimum data cost. 

2. A hobby to evolve mindset: 
Again, reading as it gives you more perspectives to a topic. Discussing and getting into healthy arguments also helps in getting more insights and evolves the thought processes. 

3. A hobby to bring peace: 
This hobby is very subjective. For me, it is cycling and swimming which helps me be at peace with myself. Music is another tool which helps me in soothing. It may or may not work for you. You need to try and find it for yourself. Let me know yours in comment section. 

4. A hobby to keep the body in shape: 
The most difficult hobby to pursue. Diet check and Regular exercise+yoga is best I know of. As a habit I do some stretching exercises every morning, however I fail to level up. I haven't been able to get this in my grooves. 

5. A hobby to make money: 
Active income stream is a must and if it comes out of your passion then it is a luxury. I am passionate about Finance and Technology. In present, professionally, my designation/profile is Asst. Manager / SAP & RPA Consultant. Personally, I would call myself as a Finance Engineer. :D 
A lot of ideas are available on internet to monetize your hobbies. Try looking out if you can chip in some cash.  

6. A hobby to bring out creativity: 
Drawing, Painting, Dancing, etc. are well-known. I prefer coding. May be it's weird, but I find creativity in Logical reasoning. It is basics of coding. There is creativity filled in designs of 'If, Then and Else'. The internet is running on them. 
Fun fact: Overdose of 'If, Then and Else' creativity without computers could be called overthinking. :P 

7. A hobby to maintain social relations: 
This is a necessity as humans are social animals. Nurturing relationships (romantic and non-romantic) by way of games, sports, discussions and conflict resolution is a good start. I try being cheerful, kind and grateful. Gratitude is the best attitude! 

I am not perfect, so are not my hobbies and my blog. However, I hope this blog inspires you to take up a hobby to achieve your purpose. 
Hope is all we have. Take care. 
Stay home, Stay safe & Stay healthy! 

Credits: I don't know the creator of this image. But thanks for the trigger of inspiration to write this blog. 

#Sidelines #Hobbies #Habits #Effectiveness #Knowledge #Evolve #Peace #Body #Money #Creativity #Social #Blogging #Covid19 


  1. Thanks for the inspiration! Nice blog Aashish..

  2. Nice writing AAshish. Welcome back🤗. One habit I would like to add for every person , any age, any where on the ladder of their life, the act of sitting in silence for 3 mins a day. It calms the mind, helps regain confidence, reduces stress and I can go on and on. Practicing mindfulness everyday goes beyond mind and body it gets you close to the purpose of " Who am i "

  3. Nice one!! Inculcates the habit of reading.
